Getting Started
Welcome to the Nanofabrication Facility,
Every new laboratory user must fulfill the requirements listed below prior to entering and/or using any of the Cleanroom Research Facilities for the first time. Undergraduate students, graduate students, visiting faculty and scholars, or any individual utilizing the Cleanroom facility for any purpose qualify as a “user”. The CNSE Cleanroom Facilities comprise: Bourns Hall B121 and MSE rooms 084 and 071.
Please keep in mind it is the user’s responsibility to review the entire required documentation.
Please view people page if you have any questions or concerns.
1. Cleanroom Laboratory Safety Manual (All Users)
University policy requires all laboratory users to be familiar with the department Laboratory Safety Manual. It is an overview of all the documents included in the NanoFabrication Cleanroom Laboratory Safety Manual and their purpose.
Please read the entire document. For your convenience, you may request an electronic copy from administrators.
2. Injury Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) (Staff Only)
Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 3203 of the General Industry Safety Orders, requires all California Employers to provide a detailed IIPP to all employees to strengthen the safety culture in all laboratories.
Please read the entire document and sign the roster attached acknowledging that you are familiar with the prevention plan. For your convenience, you may request an electronic copy form administrators.
3. Chemical Hygiene Plan (All Users)
University and California State policies require all laboratory users to be familiar with the department Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) It is a formal written program for protecting laboratory personnel against adverse health and safety hazards associated with potential hazardous conditions in the laboratory environment.
Please read the entire document. For your convenience, you may request an electronic copy from administrators.
4. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (All Users)
SOPs detail the steps that will be performed during a given experimental procedure. They may also describe the hazards associated with a particular chemical, chemical class, or a method. Please read all SOPs carefully and sign each individual training roster attached at the end. You must read and become familiar with all the SOPs included in the respective Laboratory Safety Manual of every laboratory room you will be using.
5. Training (All Users)
Prior to being granted access to the Cleanroom, all users: must complete UCR’s Environmental Health and Safety Online training module “Laboratory Safety Orientation (Fundamentals 2013)” and provide proof of completion to the Cleanroom Manager.
In addition, Cleanroom users must complete individual Cleanroom Orientation and Safety training with cleanroom staff. This training will cover the specific Lab Hazards and all Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the specific hazardous materials. Each user will be required to sign the training roster for these SOP’s located in the Cleanroom Lab Safety Manual. Contact Dong Yan or Frank Lee to schedule your training prior to equipment training.
6. Hazard Assessment (All Users)
The Hazard Assessment describes the personal protective equipment (PPE) required for some potential hazardous conditions within the laboratory. Please read the assessment carefully and sign the training roster attached. By your signature, you acknowledge you have understood these minimum PPE requirements, and you will be expected to adhere to them while utilizing the NanoFabrication cleanroom.
You must read and become familiar with the Hazard Assessment of every laboratory room you will be using. In addition please ensure to sign each individual roster attached at the end.